NSH Workload and Staffing Tool

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The NSH Workload and Staffing Tool is designed to help laboratories and organizations benchmark their staffing and productivity against other organizations/labs that report similar size and environment.  This tool utilizes the data collected during the 2021 NSH Workload Study.  The study was designed to assess productivity and staffing in the clinical histology laboratory. The Productivity Benchmarking Survey was developed by the NSH Quality Management Committee with the intent to provide usable data for laboratories and organizations to aid in making better staffing decisions.  

This tool provides three unique profile questions that will in turn display the data collected from the 2021 survey that relates to the profile selections.  Additionally, narrative information will be provided and can be downloaded.  


How to Use the Tool
Open to view video.
Open to view video. Learn how to use the tool by viewing this short 1-minute video.
Interactive Workload and Staffing Tool
Select the "Launch Tool" button to begin.  |  60 minutes
Select the "Launch Tool" button to begin.  |  60 minutes Instructions: Using the dropdowns, select your facility type, size, and use of automation to see reported data from similar organizations/laboratories of similar. To download the information displayed, click the "Download" button on the bottom of the screen.