NSH Histology Training Program

Recorded On: 05/15/2023

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    • Core Member - $1,190
    • Student Member - $1,190
    • Enhanced Member - $1,125

The NSH Histology Training Program is intended to create a histology training/onboarding resource for individuals with relevant education and/or experience to become a histotechnician/histotechnologist. This program is incorporates both self-paced didactic training that aligns with the technical skills needed to perform core histology, as well as live support and sessions. 

The program consists of 13 Learning Modules:  Tissue ID, Fixation, Grossing, Processing, Embedding, Microtomy, Staining, H&E Staining, Special Stains, Microscopy, Basics of Immunohistochemistry, Introduction to Advanced Topics (Molecular and Digital Pathology). and Career Pathways. To see all learning objectives, please refer to the content outline. 

This program requires participants to complete all of the assigned activities, discussions, assessments, and lecture content, in addition to attending two live sessions (offered monthly).  Lecture content and assignments are self-paced you participants have six months to complete the program.  

Lecture/Webinar Hours: ~15 hours
Assignment/Assessment Hours: ~7 hours

TOTAL HOURS: 22 hours
ESTIMATED COMPLETION TIME: 2-4 weeks (Course is available for 6 months from the date of purchase)
CEUs: This histology course is worth 22 continuing education credits.


If you are interested in purchasing this product and are from a UN recognized developing nation, you may qualify for a discounted rate.  Please email histo@nsh.org to inquire. 


Welcome and Meet Your Faculty!
Program Overview
Open to view video.  |  9 minutes
Open to view video.  |  9 minutes Welcome to the HTP! Please watch this short video to get an understanding of the program, the requirements, and features.
Meet Clifford Chapman
Open to view video.  |  2 minutes
Open to view video.  |  2 minutes Clifford is the owner of Medi-Sci Consultants. He holds his MS, HTL(ASCP, and QIHC(ASCP). Clif will be leading you through Special Stains, Microscopy, and the H&E.
Meet Kim Feaster
Open to view video.  |  1 minute
Open to view video.  |  1 minute Kim Feaster is an Associate Professor with West Virginia University. She holds her BS and HTL(ASCP). She is an NSH member and will be guiding you through the IHC module.
Meet Jamie Pert
Open to view video.  |  2 minutes
Open to view video.  |  2 minutes Jamie is the Education Programs Manager and manages the AP and Molecular labs with Corewell Health. She is long time speaker with the NSH and hold her HTL, MBA, and QIHC(ASCP)
Meet Shana Splawn
Open to view video.  |  1 minute
Open to view video.  |  1 minute Shana Splawn is the Education Coordinator at Sentara Healthcare. She has holds her MBA and HTL(ASCP). Shana is a member of the NSH and will be guiding you through Fixation and Embedding.
Meet Diane Sterchi
Open to view video.  |  3 minutes
Open to view video.  |  3 minutes Diane is long time tech, educator, manager, and curriculum developer. She currently works as a consultant, with a focus on training new techs and preparing them for the HT/HTL exam. She has been teaching domestically and abroad on topics from basic histology to molecular. She has been the President of the NSH and served in many other ways for the organization.
Module 00: Basics of Tissue
Knowledge Assessment: Tissue ID
7 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  25 minute limit  |  7/7 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail
7 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  25 minute limit  |  7/7 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail This quiz will assess your level of knowledge with basic tissue anatomy. If you pass this quiz, you will be able to access to the next modules without completing the additional learning elements of this section. You will still have access to these resources and we encourage you to view the webinar for your professional growth. You have 25 minutes to complete the quiz.
Guided Notes: Tissue ID
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Use this optional note guide as you learn more about tissues
Learn More: Tissue Types
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  9 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  9 minutes Take 6 minutes to freshen your brain on basic anatomy with "Intro to Histology: The Four Tissue Types.
Issues with Tissues
Open to view video.  |  50 minutes
Open to view video.  |  50 minutes This webinar will give you foundational knowledge to better understand tissues. This video contains pop quiz questions, call outs, and hints to help you focus on important information. We recommend that you take notes using the the doodle notes sheet provided in the handouts tab for this section, or your own method.
Module 01: Fixation
Pre-Test: Module 01 Fixation
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  20 minute limit  |  0/10 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  20 minute limit  |  0/10 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail Complete the pretest on the basics of fixation. This quiz is intended to help you focus on the key fixation concepts as they are presented to you. This is not a graded quiz, and you can take it an unlimited number of times - but there is a 20 minute time limit. All questions are True/False.
Module 01: Fixation 101 Part A (Theory and Purpose)
Open to view video.  |  9 minutes
Open to view video.  |  9 minutes Shana discusses the theory and purpose of fixation in the histology process, and explain the importance of fixation.
Assignment: Explaining the Importance of Fixation
Graded as Pass/Fail
Graded as Pass/Fail Fixation is described as the most important step in the histology process. Provide your best explanation as to why this is true. You can: 1. Write a short 3-5 sentence explanation 2. Record a 1 minute video or audio file explaining
Module 01: Fixation 101 Part B (Variables of Fixation)
Open to view video.  |  18 minutes
Open to view video.  |  18 minutes Shana will analyze the variables that affect fixation and identify what good and bad fixation look like.
Discussion: Examples of Poor Fixation
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Make 1 discussion post to continue. Find an image of poor fixation and upload it to this discussion. Be sure to explain what makes the image poorly fixed and provide a link or reference for your image. You can find an image online or share one from your lab.
Learn More: Coagulation
Open to view video.  |  4 minutes
Open to view video.  |  4 minutes Jamie Pert dives deeper into the concept of coagulation
Module 01: Fixation 101 Part C (Formalin)
Open to view video.
Open to view video. Shana talks formalin and safety in this video.
Assignment: Where is Your Spill Kit?
Graded as Pass/Fail
Graded as Pass/Fail Do you know where your spill kit is?
Module 01: Fixation 102 Part A (Fixative Ingredients)
Open to view video.  |  18 minutes
Open to view video.  |  18 minutes Learn about other common fixative ingredients.
Module 01: Fixation 102 Part B (Compound Fixatives)
Open to view video.  |  19 minutes
Open to view video.  |  19 minutes Taking a look at compound fixative solutions and their uses
Module 01: Fixation 102 Part C (Less Common Situations)
Open to view video.  |  19 minutes
Open to view video.  |  19 minutes Shana will give you a look at the uncommon uses and cases for fixatives.
Knowledge Check: Module 1 Fixation
30 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  27/30 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail
30 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  27/30 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail Complete the Knowledge Check for Module 1: Fixation. You must receive a 90% to pass and have unlimited attempts. You can use notes.
Module 02: Grossing
Quick Look: At the Grossing Bench
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  8 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  8 minutes This short video gives you look at the grossing bench, including inking and cutting.
Module 02: Grossing
Open to view video.  |  28 minutes
Open to view video.  |  28 minutes This segment from a previous NSH Lab Webinar discusses grossing and the histotech's role should they take on this job function.
Learn More: A Closer "Look" at Grossing
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Read this blog post from a tech who is grossing to learn more about the important steps of grossing.
Module 03: Processing
Guided Notes: Processing
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Use this optional note taking guide to help you follow along with Parts A-C for Module 03: Processing.
Module 03: Processing Part A (Basics)
Open to view video.  |  15 minutes
Open to view video.  |  15 minutes Jamie discusses the purpose and basic science behind processing - as well as some considerations about your paraffin selection.
Assignment: Paraffin Selection
Graded as Pass/Fail
Graded as Pass/Fail Answer the question and submit via word doc, video, or audio file.
Module 03: Processing Part B (Processors and Schedules)
Open to view video.  |  14 minutes
Open to view video.  |  14 minutes Jamie walks you through different types of processors and dives into how they work. She also discusses processing schedules and factors that can impact processing time.
Module 03: Processing Part C (Decalcification)
Open to view video.  |  16 minutes
Open to view video.  |  16 minutes Jamie walks through the purpose of decalcification and in assessing the endpoint.
Module 03: Processing Part D (Troubleshooting)
Open to view video.  |  14 minutes
Open to view video.  |  14 minutes Jamie introduces you issues such as overprocessing and underprocessing - and what you can do to fix it.
Knowledge Check: Module 03 Processing
15 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  14/15 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail
15 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  14/15 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail Using the note taking guide and other sources, complete the 10 question knowledge check. You have an unlimited number of attempts to score 90% or better.
Learn More: Processing Protocol Poster
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. This poster was presented in 2019 and has since be presented as a workshop. Read the poster, paying close attention to the data and protocols presented.
Module 03: Processing Part E (Equipment Maintenance)
Open to view video.  |  14 minutes
Open to view video.  |  14 minutes Jamie walks you through maintaining your processor so that it functions well, including reagent rotation, flushes, etc.
Discussion: Real Life Processing Issues
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Make 1 discussion post to continue. The following is an excerpt from an actual discussion thread from the NSH Members Community, The Block. Review the issue and provide your best advice. NSH members and long time techs responded to this issue and all had different suggestions - what do you think?
Learn More: Processor Troubleshooting Real Life Case
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  3 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  3 minutes Check out this not so common processor issue!
Checkpoint: Modules 01-03
Checkpoint Knowledge Assessment: Modules 00-03
30 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  27/30 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail
30 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  27/30 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail Complete the Knowledge Assessment for Modules 01-03, plus Tissue ID. You must score a 90% or better to pass. You have an unlimited number of attempts.
Checkpoint Survey: Modules 01-03
1 Question
1 Question Rate your comfort level with the topics covered in Modules 00-03
Module 04: Embedding
Quick Look: Embedding Process
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  2 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  2 minutes Watch this two minute overview on embedding so you can better visualize the steps and procedures Shana will cover. This video comes from Goodwin University.
Guided Notes: Embedding Part A
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Watch Module 04: Embedding (Part A). As the video plays, note the information provided in red text or in red boxes and use that information to complete the questions below in this Guided Notes. This information will assist you with the Knowledge Check following the lecture.
Module 04: Embedding Part A (Embedding Centers/Equipment)
Open to view video.  |  21 minutes
Open to view video.  |  21 minutes Lets talk about paraffin...some more! Shana will walk you through the basic elements of the embedding center and purpose.
Knowledge Check: Module 4 Embedding Part A
6 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  8/8 points to pass
6 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  8/8 points to pass Answer the following 6 questions. You have to score 100% and have an unlimited number of attempts.
Module 04: Embedding Part B (Specimen Orientation and Process)
Open to view video.  |  22 minutes
Open to view video.  |  22 minutes Learn about one of the THE MOST important parts of the histotech's job, specimen orientation. Plus, dive into the steps of embedding and other troubleshooting elements.
Assignment: Embedding Issues
Graded as Pass/Fail
Graded as Pass/Fail Explain the issue with this tissue specimen (uterus). Then explain how you would possibly fix the problem. You can upload a word document, video, or audio file.
Module 05: Microtomy
Pre-Test: Module 05 Microtomy
15 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  0/15 points to pass
15 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  0/15 points to pass Answer the following questions to get a preview of the content that will be covered in this module. You can take this quiz 3 times - it is not graded.
Quick Look: The Microtome
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  10 minutes
Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  10 minutes This ten minute video will give you a working look at the microtome.
Module 05: Microtomy Part A (Basics)
Open to view video.  |  20 minutes
Open to view video.  |  20 minutes Understand clearance angles, floatation baths, and how to pick up sections
Module 05: Microtomy Part B (Steps of Microtomy)
Open to view video.  |  16 minutes
Open to view video.  |  16 minutes Jamie dives into the microtomy process and discusses very important considerations for the tech and the patient.
Knowledge Check: Microtomy Part B
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  5/5 points to pass Complete the quiz to move onto the final video in this module. There are 5 questions and you must receive 100%. You have unlimited attempts.
Module 05: Microtomy Part C (Troubleshooting)
Open to view video.  |  20 minutes
Open to view video.  |  20 minutes What happens when things go wrong and how do you fix it? Jamie will walk you through common issues and the solutions.
Discussion: Troubleshooting Microtomy
Make 2 discussion posts to continue.
Make 2 discussion posts to continue. Share a troubleshooting story that occurred with microtomy in your lab. This can be a story that you experienced or coworker. Also share how you resolved the problem. Then, comment on one other post.
Module 05: Microtomy Part D (Safety and Maintenance)
Open to view video.  |  10 minutes
Open to view video.  |  10 minutes Learn important safety considerations and maintenance tips with Jamie in this video.
Assignment: Safety SOPs
Upload 1 files to pass.
Upload 1 files to pass. Take a picture of your microtome safety procedure (or upload if digital).
Checkpoint: Modules 04-05
Checkpoint Knowledge Assessment: Modules 04-05
20 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  20/20 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail
20 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  20/20 points to pass  |  Graded as Pass/Fail Assess your grasp of the content covered in Module 04-05. You must receive 90% to pass, but have an unlimited number of attempts.
Checkpoint Survey: Modules 04-05
1 Question
1 Question Rate your comfort level with the topics covered in Modules 04-05
Module 06: Staining
Pretest: Module 06 Staining (Part A)
15 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  0/22 points to pass
15 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  0/22 points to pass Complete the quiz to warm up before starting this module. You have 3 attempts.
Module 06: Staining Part A (Basics and Theory)
Open to view video.  |  18 minutes
Open to view video.  |  18 minutes Jamie introduces you to the types of staining and why we stain.
Knowledge Check: Module 06 Staining (Part A)
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  10/10 points to pass
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  10/10 points to pass Complete the quiz to warm up before starting this module. You must receive a 90% or higher and have unlimited attempts.
Module 06: Staining Part B (Classifications/Special Stain Intro)
Open to view video.  |  17 minutes
Open to view video.  |  17 minutes Jamie introduces you to special stains and their classifications. She discusses mordants, charges, and progressive vs regressive staining.
Module 06: Staining Part C (Methods)
Open to view video.  |  19 minutes
Open to view video.  |  19 minutes Learn about manual staining, automated staining, and troubleshooting
Assignment: Manual and Automated Staining
Graded as Pass/Fail
Graded as Pass/Fail Explain 1-2 important considerations when using manual staining and when using automated staining.
Module 07: The H&E
Pre-Test: H&E Basics
3 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  3/3 points to pass
3 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  3/3 points to pass After reading the blog post, "An InDepth Look at the Hematoxylin & Eosin (H&E) Stain: Part 1" (located in the Handouts tab) answer the following questions. You can also access the blog post here: https://www.nsh.org/blogs/jemal-clarke/2022/05/20/an-indepth-look-at-the-hematoxylin-eosinstain
Module 07: The H&E Part A (Basic Chemistry)
Open to view video.  |  11 minutes
Open to view video.  |  11 minutes Clif walk's you through a brief origin of the the H&E and its basic chemistry.
Knowledge Check: Module 07 H&E Part A
3 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  3/3 points to pass
3 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  3/3 points to pass You must receive 100% to pass this check - however you have an unlimited number of attempts.
Module 07: The H&E 101 Part B (Progressive vs Regressive Staining)
Open to view video.  |  12 minutes
Open to view video.  |  12 minutes Clif dives into the importance of clearing agents and brings back the discussion about progressive vs regressive staining.
Discussion: Progressive vs Regressive
Make 2 discussion posts to continue.
Make 2 discussion posts to continue. Share if your lab uses progressive or regressive staining and tell us why and share what kind of hematoxylin you are using. Then, respond to one other post in this discussion thread.
Module 07: The H&E 101 Part C (Eosin and Critical Times)
Open to view video.  |  10 minutes
Open to view video.  |  10 minutes Clif discusses optimal and suboptimal staining and the importance of critical times.
Module 07: The H&E 102 Part A (Procedures and Staining Quality)
Open to view video.  |  11 minutes
Open to view video.  |  11 minutes Clif talks about staining procedures, and demonstrates optimal and suboptimal staining.
Quick Look: H&E Staining
Recorded 07/19/2023  |  4 minutes
Recorded 07/19/2023  |  4 minutes Check out this short video that demonstrates the various steps of the H&E protocol used.
Module 07: The H&E 102 Part B (Troubleshooting)
Open to view video.  |  21 minutes
Open to view video.  |  21 minutes Clif talks about troubleshooting suboptimal H&E Staining,
Discussion: Recognizing Issues with the H&E
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Module 08: Special Stains
Guided Notes: Special Stains Chart
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Print out the Special Stains Chart. As you watch the Part A webinar session – fill in the blank sections to complete the chart. Then, use the chart to test your identification of special stains in the knowledge check. If you miss any of the stains presented, modify your chart so it makes sense to you.
Module 08: Special Stains Part A
Open to view video.  |  22 minutes
Open to view video.  |  22 minutes Clif Chapman will walks you through the purpose of various special stains and will help you know what to look for in each optimally performed Special Stain discussed.
Module 08: Special Stains Part B
Open to view video.  |  8 minutes
Open to view video.  |  8 minutes Clif walks you through troubleshooting and special stain tips.
Knowledge Check: Name the Stain
Open to view video.  |  4 minutes
Open to view video.  |  4 minutes Can you correctly identify all the stains in this video? This is not a graded knowledge check.
Module 08: Special Stains Part C
Open to view video.  |  15 minutes
Open to view video.  |  15 minutes Clif will discuss more safety in the lab. The NSH and its leadership cannot emphasis enough the importance of safety in the lab and we encourage you to ask questions if you have them.
Assignment: Lab Safety Audit
Graded as Pass/Fail
Graded as Pass/Fail Now that you have learned about the many safety considerations in the histology lab, download the file, Module 08_Safety Audit Assignment from the handouts section and complete the audit.
Checkpoint: Modules 06-08
Checkpoint Knowledge Assessment: Modules 06-08
30 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  27/30 points to pass
30 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  27/30 points to pass Complete the Checkpoint Knowledge Assessment for Modules 06-08. You must receive a 90% or higher to pass. You have an unlimited number of attempts.
Checkpoint Survey: Modules 06-08
1 Question
1 Question Rate your comfort level with the topics covered in Modules 06-08
Module 09: Microscopy
Assignment: Parts of the Microscope Timed Game
Upload 1 files to pass.
Upload 1 files to pass. Take this interactive quiz to test your knowledge on the different parts of a microscope. Take a screen grab of your score when you get at least 10/15 correct (or upload a word doc with the score). Game link is in instructions.
Module 09: Microscopy
Open to view video.  |  30 minutes
Open to view video.  |  30 minutes Clif shows the various parts of a light microscope and dives into how to perform the Kohler illumination procedure on a light microscope. He also shows sub-optimal images from a light microscope and discusses troubleshooting.
Knowledge Check: Module 09
7 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  7/7 points to pass
7 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  7/7 points to pass Complete the short knowledge check on microscopy. You must receive 100% but have unlimited attempts.
Discussion: Microscopy Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Make 1 discussion post to continue. Microscopy Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks
Module 10: Immunohistochemistry
Pretest: Module 10 IHC Basic Vocabulary
8 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  0/8 points to pass
8 Questions  |  3 attempts  |  0/8 points to pass It is important to know certain terminology when learning IHC basics. This quiz will measure your understanding of basic vocabulary. Match the term with the correct definition as it applies to IHC. You will not need to pass before moving onto the learning content, however this quiz will be repeated for a passing score at the end of the first video. This is not graded, and you have 3 attempts.
Module 10: IHC Part A (Basics)
Open to view video.  |  22 minutes
Open to view video.  |  22 minutes Get ready to learn the fundamental concepts of how IHC works!
Module 10 IHC: Basic Vocabulary Quiz
8 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  8/8 points to pass
8 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  8/8 points to pass Now that you have listened to IHC Basics video test your knowledge of the basic terminology. Match the term with the correct definition as it applies to IHC. Need more help? You can find the IHC Glossary in the Handouts Section. You must receive 100% to pass and have an unlimited number of attempts.
Module 10 IHC: Part B (Preanalytics)
Open to view video.  |  37 minutes
Open to view video.  |  37 minutes Kim discusses how preanalytics particularly impact IHC staining - and gives you a better look into the the downstream effects of the factors that can affect diagnosis.
Guided Notes: Common Antibodies
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Use this optional note taking guide to help you track common antibodies.
Module 10 IHC: Part C (Common Antibodies)
Open to view video.  |  29 minutes
Open to view video.  |  29 minutes Kim will walk you through commonly ordered antibodies and their uses.
Module 10: IHC Part D (Troubleshooting)
Open to view video.  |  30 minutes
Open to view video.  |  30 minutes Kim walks you through what to do when things go wrong and how to stop them before they happen.
Checkpoint: Modules 09-10
Checkpoint Knowledge Assessment: Modules 09-10
15 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  13/15 points to pass
15 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  13/15 points to pass Complete the Knowledge Assessment for Modules 09-10. You must score a 90% or better to pass. You have an unlimited number of attempts.
Checkpoint Survey: Modules 09-10
1 Question
1 Question Rate your comfort level with the topics covered in Modules 09-10
Module 11: Advanced Topics
Module 11: Overview of Molecular Testing
Open to view video.  |  36 minutes
Open to view video.  |  36 minutes Diane Sterchi provides an overview of molecular testing and the role of the histotech.
Module 11: Intro to Digital Pathology Part A (Overview and Uses)
Open to view video.  |  44 minutes
Open to view video.  |  44 minutes Elizabeth Chlipala introduces you to the basic element and uses of digital pathology - and discussions advantages and challenges with implemented a digital solution. To learn more about workflows, watch Part B of this presentation.
Module 11: Advanced Topics Digital Pathology Part B (Workflows and Quality)
Open to view video.  |  35 minutes
Open to view video.  |  35 minutes In this segment, you will learn about digital workflows, quality issues, and training considerations.
Discussion: Advanced Topics
Make 2 discussion posts to continue.
Make 2 discussion posts to continue. After watching both of the advanced topic modules, post one follow up question you have. Then comment and/or answer another question in this discussion thread.
Module 12: Your Histology Career
Histology and Pathology Partnerships
Open to view video.  |  22 minutes
Open to view video.  |  22 minutes Summarize the relationship between pathology and histology and explain why the histotech is a vital member of the patient care and laboratory team.
Discussion: What Kind of Communicator Are You?
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Make 1 discussion post to continue. Take this quiz and tell us your communication style. Also share how this may impact your laboratory relationships.
What's Next for Your Career
Open to view video.  |  18 minutes
Open to view video.  |  18 minutes Dr. Jerry Santiago shares information on ways to become certified and information on what steps you should take to further your histology career.
Career Goals Statement
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource. Download the career goals statement/worksheet. Then watch at least at least two of the Career Pathway videos and complete the worksheet. You will not be handing this document in - it is intended for you to start planning what is next in your career. We suggest sharing it with your supervisor or even your preceptor so that they can provide insight and guidance on helping reach those goals.
Career Pathways: University Research
Open to view video.  |  12 minutes
Open to view video.  |  12 minutes This interview features NSH member Dr. Luis Chiriboga who works in university research.
Career Pathways: Core Research Lab
Open to view video.  |  10 minutes
Open to view video.  |  10 minutes
Career Pathways: Clinical Hospital
Open to view video.  |  14 minutes
Open to view video.  |  14 minutes
Career Pathways: Mohs Lab
Open to view video.
Open to view video.
Career Pathways: Research/Pharma
Open to view video.  |  11 minutes
Open to view video.  |  11 minutes Paule Alphonse discusses her job in pharma research and the opportunities this path has provided to her.
Career Pathways Survey
3 Questions
3 Questions Complete the following three questions before moving onto the last and FINAL video!! These questions questions are to get a better understanding of what resources you may need from the NSH to help you reach your career goals.
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Certificate of Completion
Certificate of Program Completion
22.00 CEUs credits  |  Certificate available
22.00 CEUs credits  |  Certificate available